Click or tap on any box -in the diagram above- to investigate its path of impact or causes

Here are some example questions and solution screenshots:

  1. Who uses this server?
  2. What if I replace the router?
  3. Which piece causes this symptom?
  4. Which software needs to be secured?
  5. How much does this service cost us in total?
  6. Who suffered from the known bug in the new software?
  7. Which software installations require a commercial license fee?
  8. Which computing resources should we size for the new customer?
  9. Which single component could possibly cause all of these symptoms?

Reload / refresh page to reset colored selections

Works best with Firefox or Tor browsers; known bug in Chrome incorrectly fills 'new' / 'old' boxes, and travelled curved paths!

This page uses scalable vector graphics (SVG) with a little CSS and JavaScript, without external libraries. Similar solutions can be embedded in almost any HTML page

Copyright © 2020 Boran Gögetap, licensed under // lizenziert unter GNU Affero General Public License